Recents in Beach

Tip to help you stop waking up looking tired

stay young

What’s worse? Feeling tired… Or someone pointing out the dark circles under your eyes?
Now, these are tips, they are not a permanent solution. They are for those mornings when you wake up and need a little boost for the day ahead.
(Even if you only grab one technique from this email you’ll be ahead for the day.)
After waking… drink a small glass of water with a squeeze of lemon juice.
The lemon juice gives you antioxidants and electrolytes.
When you take a shower… have a cooler shower than normal.
For the really brave, take a cold shower.
Though any temperature slightly cooler than normal is fine.
Cold showers or cooler showers can increase alertness, improve circulation, ease stress, and much more.
In short, your body won’t expect a blast of cold water is coming…. When the cold water hits your skin… you may find you’re instantly more awake.
If a cold or colder shower is not to your liking, then try something Kate Moss says helps refresh and tighten her skin the morning…
Fill a basin full of cold water, ice, and cucumber… then dunk your head for a few seconds.
When my skin is tired or pale in the morning I found a combination of dunking my head in cold cucumber water and dashing up the stairs a few times made a difference.
Because exercise puts color back into tired looking skin.'>