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Homemade vs Laser Technology in Removing Dark Spots

Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Technology in Removing Dark Spots
Laser technology is a relatively new technique that has taken the dermatological world by storm. Used for treating many skin conditions like acne, scars, fine lines and wrinkles, the laser has also started to be considered a great remedy for brown spots and dark skin areas. If you have such issues which are troubling you and you want to try this option for treating your skin and make it white and radiant then here are the advantages and disadvantages of such a treatment.
Positive aspects
  • Faster action
    Unlike many other types of treatment which can take months to see some effects, the laser treatment has fast actions and in a couple of weeks you can see the improvements. The darker skin will be exfoliated and the new, white and healthy one will be revealed without bearing any marks or darker shades.
  • Good results
    The beauty industry cashes each year billions of dollars from selling skin whitening products which are not effective. Laser technology is one of the few skin whitening treatments which really work, so that you will not have the surprise of spending money for nothing.
  • Professional surveillance
    Another great plus for the laser treatment is the fact that the patient is under professional surveillance from the beginning until the end of the treatment, thus if any complications appear, the doctors will be able to spot it and neutralize it in due time.
Negative aspects
  • High price
    The price of laser treatment is far beyond the possibilities of a normal people, this is why it is not always on the list of people's favorite treatments. Because it is done only in cosmetic or dermatological clinics and they also require pre and post-treatment supervision, this type of treatment costs quite a lot for a normal person with medium income.
  • Side effects
    Even though this treatment is a very modern one, there are still side effects which have not yet counterbalanced. Thus, there have been people who suffered by swelling, inflammations and sometimes even further darkening of the treated area.
The laser technology is quite a good one for people who can afford it. However, taking into consideration the risks you are exposing yourself to and the amount of money you will have to pay for such a treatment, it is advisable to ask your dermatologist for an advice before actually going for it.

natural skin whiteningAdvantages of Homemade Skin Whitening Products 
Each and every person wants a clean and radiant skin. Some spend fortunes on cosmetic products that will lighten the skin and remove all the imperfections, others spend their money on esthetic operations in the hope that their skin will look perfect. Lastly, there are people trying to fake a healthy skin by using all kinds of makeup that will cover the imperfections and leave the impression that the skin is healthy and has no scars, wrinkles or spots.
All these people are looking for a way through which they can make their skin look good. Yet, what they have not taken into consideration is the power of natural ingredients. Fruits, vegetables and products coming from animals are great sources of anti-oxidants and are rich in substances which can whiten the skin, moisturize it, attenuate the fine lines and wrinkles and give it elasticity. There are many natural ingredients which can be used in order to remove the dark spots and whiten the skin and as many reasons to start trying them. The first reason for which you should try the natural skin whitening ingredients is the fact that they have no side effects. Because most of the ingredients with which the homemade skin whitening recipes are made are natural, and are used in our everyday diet, the human body tolerates them very well and responds positively to the ingredients they contain.
In addition to that, because you know what you put in that homemade recipe, you know if your skin will going to react negatively to it. There are certain products (fruits, vegetables, animal products) to which certain people are allergic. Exclude those ingredients from your recipes and you know you will obtain a 100% safe homemade product.
Many cosmetic creams and ointments stay long enough on the shelves for the curative properties to diminish. Because you know when exactly you have made your product (most of them must be done on the spot and used right away) you have the certainty that the product is fresh and all the active substances will be activated on your skin.
Unlike other products you can find in the stores, the homemade skin whitening products are quite cheap. They are made with products found in any kitchen so that the investment in raw material will not be too high. Any person is able to afford this type of treatment, thus even if you do not have lots on money to spend on this treatment you will still be able to carry on with it and have a white skin in only a few weeks.
Homemade skin whitening products are by far the cheapest and safest solution to the brown spots which trouble you so much. They are very effective and at the same nurture the skin, so that you will not only have a whiter skin, but a healthier one too.

Skin Whitening Forever™